Membership Has Its Privileges...

Today is our first day in France. We'll be here a total of 10 days. So the goal is to see and do as much as possible. And that has to include purchasing trip prizes for my kids. Because, well, that's the kind of mom I am. And also, they expect it by now. They're rotten...but I digress...

On the way home from my second in one day viewing of the Eiffel Tower, we stopped off at a souvenir shop. I needed to pick up some postcards to send to the Things back home. Well, I decided to also pick up a couple of t-shirts, because I want the world to know that my kids are cool and have clothes from Paris. HA!

So in choosing my method of payment I realized that my debit card says "Please See ID" in the signature line. As a matter of habit, I pulled my ID out for the store clerk. He saw that I'm from Texas and immediately got excited. :-) As we were walking out he asked us to wait just a second. He walked over and gave each of us (I was with my dad) a Paris keychain. I thought it was so nice of him, and he said it was because we came to visit him from Texas.

So yes, its true, membership does have its privileges...


Moma said…
PS...I'm functioning on VERY LITTLE (less than 5 hours) sleep in the past 2 days. Please excuse typos and grammatical errors. I will change them later. For now I'm going to bed! xoxo